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Android or iOS: A Guide For First Time Mobile App Owners

Posted by: Nikki Tabberrah

January 18, 2023


If you are a business owner or manager looking to create a mobile app, you probably want to know which platform is best for your needs. Should you go with Android or iOS? It's not easy, but some key differences can help guide your choice. 

To make the best decision for your business, you need to learn the advantages and disadvantages of both platforms. Let's take a look at what each has to offer. 


As a first-time mobile app owner, it can be challenging to decide which platform to use to launch your new product. On one hand, you have Android, the most popular operating system in the world; on the other, iOS, Apple's proprietary operating system. Both have unique features to offer which may be vital to your application’s success.

1. User Interface (UI)

The UI is how users interact with your app, which can vary significantly between Android and iOS apps. For example, Android apps tend to be more customizable than iOS apps, while iOS apps offer a more consistent user experience due to Apple's strict standards for UI design.  

2. Programming Languages

Both platforms use different programming languages (Java for Android and Swift/Objective C for iOS). As a result, developers need specialized knowledge to develop an app for either platform. Some features may require additional coding, depending on your chosen venue. 

3. Compatibility

Another key difference is that Android apps run on multiple devices from different manufacturers, while iOS runs exclusively on Apple devices like iPhones and iPads. If your target audience mainly has Apple devices, you may opt for an iOS version of your app over its Android counterpart.



After considering the features, consider the benefits you can get from each mobile app platform. Their help can speed up the decision process of choosing the best platform for your mobile app.


Android is an open-source operating system, meaning that app developers are free to develop apps without paying fees or adhering to specific guidelines. Android users are also more loyal than iOS users, meaning they are more likely to download multiple apps once they have decided on an OS. 

Additionally, because Android is used by many worldwide, it offers better cross-platform compatibility than its Apple counterpart. This feature allows developers to create apps that can run on iOS and Android devices with minimal effort.  


The iOS platform is slightly more restrictive than its Android counterpart, as developers must adhere to specific guidelines and may need to pay fees to get their app into the App Store. Apple users tend to be more affluent and spend more money per purchase than Android users, making them ideal customers for premium apps or those with in-app purchases. 

Additionally, Apple's App Store tends to be far less susceptible to malicious software or viruses than Google Play Store. This feature is because Apple keeps such tight control over its application, giving it a safer and more secure reputation than its rival.  


Steps For Choosing The Right Platform

Developing a mobile application can be an exciting but intimidating process for first-time owners. With so many available platforms, it can take time to determine which is best for your needs. 

1. Write Your Goals

When choosing a platform for your mobile app, it's essential to consider your goals. Ask yourself what you want your app to do and how it looks on various devices. 

Will you need access to specific APIs or hardware features only available on certain platforms? Do you need any special features like push notifications or in-app purchases? 

Answering these queries will help narrow your choices and make the best decision for your business needs. To develop the best digital product for your brand, consider discussing your project with an expert app developer through discovery calls. See how various developers can help you create an awesome app that’s functional, relevant and feature-packed.

2. Research & Consider Your Audience 

It's also essential to research the user demographics of each platform before making a final decision. For example, if you're targeting young adults, then iOS might be the better choice because they tend to use iPhones more than Android phones. 

Additionally, consider the geographic location of most of your users; if most of them live in countries with more Android users, then developing an Android app might be a better option than an iOS app.  

3. Cost Considerations

It's essential to consider the cost of developing an app on each platform before deciding. The cost of launching an app on one platform may be significantly higher than throwing one on another due to differences in language requirements or other factors. Make sure to factor in all associated costs before deciding which platform is best for you. 

4. Performance Considerations

Finally, it's important to consider performance when selecting a platform for your mobile application development project. Each forum has unique features and capabilities that may or may not be suitable for your specific project needs. 

For example, some platforms offer better battery life or faster loading times than others, so make sure to do some research before committing to any one option.


Common Mistakes Made By First-Time Mobile App Owners

Every business owner wants to get the most out of their mobile app. But selecting the right platform for your app can be tricky, and making the wrong choice can cost you time and money.

1. Cost vs. Quality 

One of first-time mobile app owners' most common mistakes is not considering cost and quality when choosing a platform for their app development. 

While it may seem like it is a good idea to opt for a cheaper option, it might cost more in the long run if your app doesn't run as smoothly or perform as well as you'd hoped. It's essential to weigh all factors, including price, features, and user experience, when selecting a platform to ensure your investment will pay off.

2. Not Taking Into Account Future Updates 

Another mistake many first-time mobile app owners make is not considering how they will handle future app updates and changes. Many platforms have restrictions on what type of updates are possible, so it's essential to understand what limitations there may be before committing to any particular platform. 

Additionally, some platforms don't offer support for specific features or functionality, so it's important to research ahead of time to ensure you're using a platform that meets your needs now and in the future.


Related: Outdated mobile app features you should be upgrading this year

3. Ignoring User Experience 

Finally, one of first-time mobile app owners' most costly mistakes is paying attention to user experience (UX). You should always consider UX design when developing an app because it directly affects how users interact with your product or service. 

If you neglect UX design, chances are your users won't be satisfied with their experience and will likely abandon your product before ever giving it a chance.


Related: Debunking 7 Mobile App Development Myths 


Final Verdict

It all comes down to personal preference when deciding which mobile platform is right for you; whether you prefer the openness of Google Play or the security of Apple's App Store will ultimately depend on your needs and the expert recommendation of your technology partner.

For example, if you want maximum exposure with minimal cost, Android might suit you best; however, if security is paramount, then iOS might be a better option for your app development needs. But take this with a grain of salt. Many businesses go for both so they can cast a wider net in terms of audience.

Moreover, there are several everyday things that first-time mobile app owners need to correct when choosing a platform for their development projects. By avoiding these mistakes and doing due diligence beforehand, you can ensure success with your mobile application.

In any case, it pays off to do research on both platforms before committing yourself. By understanding their respective benefits and drawbacks, you can determine which platform best suits your target audience and your overall business goals.

