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Cannabis App Development

Don't Let Clunky Tech Ruin Your Cannabis Dispensary Brand

Posted by: Nikki Tabberrah

August 08, 2023


We've all been there. You’ve got a beautifully designed website, your in-store branding is on point, and then you introduce a wallet app that's about as exciting as watching paint dry. Remember, the channels you associate your dispensary with can make or break your brand - and many of the current apps in the market pose a clear threat.

How dare we! How can we say that?

Well, we’ve had countless conversations with dispensaries who are frustrated with their wallet apps. They have these platforms for customers to manage their loyalty points. But when it comes to shopping, customers are redirected to an external link or a mobile web version of the website. This experience can be underwhelming at best and downright clunky at worst.

Think about it. When was the last time you had fun ordering via the mobile web? Or did you end up switching to your desktop, or downloading a shopping app for easier access? It's just more natural, easier, and convenient.

The Impact of Clunky Tech on Your Brand

If you want to understand the impact of this, put yourself in your customers' shoes. That’s when you’ll understand that this has to change. Not only that it disrupts the customer sales process, but presenting your brand through clunky tech can damage your brand in the following ways:

Brand Perception 

Subpar platforms make your brand seem less solid. It's like shouting to the world that you're cutting corners. In sales, perception is everything. For instance, a study by Lucidpress found that consistent brand presentation across all platforms increases revenue by up to 23%.


Slower Transaction Times

Redirecting customers to shop via external links slows everything down. The mobile web experience isn't as intuitive as it would appear on a desktop or an app. Customers spend more time searching for products, which can lead to frustration and lost sales.

Hassle Factor

Asking shoppers to switch from the wallet app to another platform is a hassle. It's like asking for more patience from someone who's already itching to run and go. Customers would either sigh and get up to go to your shop, or just put their purchase on hold when they have a bit more time and patience to complete the sales process. 


Lack of Data Ownership

Often, dispensaries don't own their app or data with these current market solutions. This makes scaling and growing challenging as brands benefit from being agile, and flexible to meet consumer trends and demands.


Dwindling Customer Loyalty

A poor sales channel can decrease customer loyalty. According to a study by PWC, 32% of customers would stop doing business with a brand they loved after just one bad experience. Crazy, right?


So, what's the solution?

You can either stick to your current platform and make up for the experience and lost sales in some other way, or explore emerging tech such as a comprehensive cannabis mobile app that combines shopping and rewards. This kind of platform can save your brand from negative perceptions, improve your market positioning, and set you up for long-term growth.

Remember: the channels you use speak volumes about your brand. 

Don’t let your dispensary fall victim to clunky tech. Want to see how a comprehensive cannabis mobile app can transform your business? 

Download the Cinder Mobile App and experience the difference for yourself.

Digital Awesome’s custom cannabis mobile app is one of the most affordable custom solutions in the market - Book a demo with us today. 

Cannabis Holiday

Disclaimer: Tips, advice, and insights provided on this blog are intended for informational purposes only and should be considered as recommendations and/or market news. Readers should conduct their own due diligence and ensure compliance with federal and state laws before making any business & marketing decisions pertaining to their own dispensaries and promotional channels. Digital Awesome will not be held liable for any damages or penalties incurred as a result of following the advice or information presented in this blog.

Cannabis App Development
