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Cannabis App Development

The Advantages of Owning a Dispensary Mobile App

Posted by: Nikki Tabberrah

May 08, 2023


The cannabis industry is growing exponentially and so too is the competition. To ensure success, it's important to have a technology solution that increases customer experience while optimizing operations as much as possible - enter: dispensary mobile apps.

This powerful tool offers unparalleled convenience for customers, provide direct access to your POS system in real time, and bridges the gap between marketing retention & sales numbers like never before.

Let’s take a closer look at where exactly these dispensary apps like Digital Awesome's DispensaryMate can give you an edge over other dispensaries out there.

Robust Marketing Opportunities

With the rise of digital shopping, many businesses are now relying heavily on their online strategies to stay competitive and attract customers. For dispensaries looking for an edge in customer engagement, a mobile app may be just what you need.

Studies show that up to 85% of consumers prefer retail apps over websites when it comes to ecommerce experience - offering your dispensary's unique branding with quicker checkouts and increased loyalty through full integration can draw in more shoppers than ever before. 

Investing in an omnichannel strategy could give you better opportunities not only today but also long into the future. With a custom mobile app solution like DispensaryMate, dispensaries can quickly leverage this new tech to power their marketing in many ways.


How a Dispensary App Can Help with Dispensary Marketing:

A dispensary mobile app can be a powerful tool for brand marketing, helping to showcase a dispensary’s competitive edge and elevate its brand to foster trust among current and future customers. Here are some ways a dispensary app can achieve this:

  • Highlighting unique selling points: A dispensary app can showcase a dispensary's unique features, such as its range of products, quality control measures, or special promotions. By highlighting what makes your dispensary stand out from competitors, the app can help your dispensary differentiate itself and build brand awareness.


  • Sharing news and updates: With a custom dispensary app, dispensaries can share news and updates with their customers through push notifications and banners, such as new product launches, events, or limited-edition offers. This keeps customers engaged with the brand, while also making them feel like they are part of a community.


  • Personalizing the customer experience: A dispensary app can use customer data to offer personalized recommendations and promotions based on their past purchases and preferences. This can create a feeling of exclusivity and personalized attention.


  • Easy access to brand content &  information: A dispensary app can make it easy for customers to access information about the dispensary’s products, services, and policies. This can increase transparency and build trust, as customers have easy access to the information they need to make informed decisions.


  • Push Notifications & Banner Promotions: Dispensaries can boost brand awareness and engagement by using push notifications and banner promotions in their mobile apps. Personalized notifications can remind clients of promotions and product releases, while banners can display new products and specials when a user opens the app – putting your deals front and center.


Customer Loyalty 

If you want to retain customers and increase sales, implementing a loyalty program is as always, a smart move. One key principle suggests that just 20% of customers account for 80% of a company’s revenue, so keeping them engaged and happy is crucial. No wonder leading brands like Starbucks, Nike and major labels heavily invest in their loyalty programs. They pour in a substantial amount of investment to keep customers continuously engaged and to boost repeat purchases. 

Thanks to mobile technology, custom apps such as DispensaryMate make loyalty programs even easier, allowing customers to earn and redeem rewards while shopping. By offering a single platform for purchases and rewards, there's no need for physical punch cards or separate rewards programs to increase conversion rates. 

With DispensaryMate, you don’t have to cancel your partnership with your existing providers – DispensaryMate can easily integrate with them, or alternatively, switch to another provider with ease.

To sum it up,  implementing a loyalty program can be an inexpensive way to increase customer conversion rates and revenue (yep, inexpensive, as it costs 7x more to acquire new customers). By keeping your repeat customers happy and engaged, the 20% that makeup 80% of your revenue will keep coming back for more.

Sales and MORE Sales

According to a report by Insider Intelligenceretail mcommerce sales are projected to make up 43.4% of total retail ecommerce sales in 2023, up from 41.8% in 2022. This highlights the growing importance of mobile devices in retail sales. Consumers now prefer to use their mobile phones for shopping which emphasizes the need for retailers and online marketplaces to offer well-designed, user-friendly experiences on both mobile websites and apps.

Having a website where customers can place orders is great and but a dispensary mobile app can take your sales to the next level. Here are more reasons why:

  • Greater Accessibility: A mobile app is more easily accessible than a website, as it can be accessed with just a tap on a user's smartphone screen. This makes it more convenient for customers to place orders on the go, increasing the probability of sales.
  • Enhanced User Experience: A mobile app can offer a more personalized and engaging user experience compared to a website. It allows businesses to tailor push notifications and in-app advertisements to the customer’s interests and preferences, driving increased sales and conversions.
  • Direct Communication: A mobile app provides businesses with a direct line of communication to customers, allowing them to send targeted promotions and offers that encourage repeat business, boosting revenue. Not to mention an in-app chat tool so users can contact your dispensary to ask questions in real time without having to wait on call or email.
  • Customer Loyalty: Mobile apps can help build customer loyalty by allowing businesses to offer rewards, discount codes, and referral incentives directly within the app. Customers can feel appreciated when their business is rewarded, encouraging them to keep choosing your dispensary over competitors.

Dispensary apps like DispensaryMate can customize the app experience and deck it out with unique features such as custom achievements and milestones that would trigger your customers to shop more, share your brand with others and engage with your brand across all touchpoints. 


Monetization Opportunities

There are various monetization opportunities for dispensary mobile apps that can help generate revenue beyond just the sale of cannabis products. One approach is to create partnerships with other merchants or dispensaries to offer in-app advertising or sponsored push notifications to promote their products or services to the dispensary’s customer base. 

Another way is to take a commission on sales from partner dispensaries or retailers, who use the dispensary app as an advertising or commerce channel for their products. 

Dispensary apps can also offer premium features or subscription-based services, such as access to exclusive products, early bird access to promotions, or one-on-one consultations with budtenders. Moreover, some mobile apps in the cannabis space like WeedMaps and Leafly make money through sponsored listings from dispensaries and other businesses, premium/featured listings, and sponsored content which dispensaries can emulate as you scale.

In conclusion, a dispensary mobile app can serve some of the basic functions as a website, but ultimately, it helps drive increased sales by offering greater accessibility, enhancing user experience, providing direct communication, and building customer loyalty.


Interested to know how DispensaryMate is a perfect match for your CannaBiz?

Schedule a FREE demo today and see for yourself how our customized platform can enhance your customers' experiences and drive engagement. Visit or email

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Cannabis App Development
